Tuesday, April 22, 2014

[Olive Natural Soap] - Therapeutic Series

100% Natural
~ So pure & gentle, even babies love it!

Therapeutic Series
(Specially designed for special needs.)

THERAPEUTIC SERIES is made primarily with food grade olive oil from Italy. It contains pure Orange Essential Oil imported from Australia. The scent of orange essential oil has a calming, anti-depressive effect.

EVENING PRIMROSE OIL—Good source of gamma linoleic fatty acids that helps maintain healthy cell structure. It also helps to increase blood flow to the skin, leaving it glowing, healthy, clean and nourished. Suitable for people who have severe skin itchiness & inflammation esp. sufferers of eczema, psoriasis and allergy.

CINNAMON—Natural antibacterial with its sweet aroma soothing users with comfort. Suitable for all skin types, except for ultra oily skin.

NUTMEG—Promotes smooth and healthier skin with its carminative, antimicrobial and anti inflammatory properties.

TURMERIC—Natural anti-septic, it effectively detoxifies the skin, imparts radiance & cures skin from infections. Turmeric also has traditional uses for cleaning and healing wounds.

EPO – RM40.30
Cinnamon – RM37.70
Nutmeg – RM36.40
Turmeric – RM36.40
Weight: 165g ± 5g
(2 pc per box)

Wechat me: yulle00

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